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In March, 2018, a few pastors within Port Huron Southside community became aware of a grassroots organization Detroit Regional Interfaith Voice for Equity  within the  Detroit Tri-County Area, that organized a coalition of faith-based and civic organizations in conjunction with the “War on Poverty” Initiative, who had a desire to see evidenced, action-based change in their communities. These pastors begin to come together with other leaders of shared concerns and values.  Building on the D.R.I.V.E.  Model, In April, 2018 SCCORE begin to meet bi-monthly to once every three weeks to build relationships,  with the intent to identify areas they could begin to assist St. Clair County . and its impoverished, underserved, community.


SCCORE appointed an acting executive staff to give life to its vision.  The core group begin to reach out to other like-minded pastors, church members, and individuals in the community.  The growing group has grown from four committed persons to approximately ten to twelve, which represent at least seven churches and three organizations in the Port Huron Area is, and it is growing. The group soon realized it’s need to “name the baby”. Vacillating between  St. Clair County Organizing for Regional Equity (S.C.C.O.R.E),and All Churches and Community Workers Uniting Their Efforts (A.C.C.U.T.E).   The group voted to adopt the name SCCORE and determined to structure SCCORE as a 501C3 nonprofit, which effectively September 2018 Sccore started its process to become 501(C3) Non-profit Organization:



Guiding Principles: 


  • Hear the voice of its citizen who often feel they have no voice, and who may not have access to tables of influence, and/or resources needed to resolve disparities.

  • To be a bridge to identify, train, and connect potential people resources to service-based volunteer opportunities.

  • To identify, train, empower, to be change agents within their community.

  • To develop relationships of trust, through demonstrated change actions, integrity, and/or Advocacy where it is clearly determined an inequity exists.

  • To expose injustices, bring Awareness,  and assist individuals or groups in bringing fair and equitable resolutions.

  •  Through Innovation and creative methods engage and activate the community to be empowered, with our Home-to-School-to-Community Program we Educated, and trained to begin addressing the issues while changing the ills of the community.


We are a bridge that identifies, trains, and connects potential people and resources to service-based volunteer opportunities

Our Mission

St. Clair County Organizing for Regional Equity (SCCORE)  is a solution focused organization consisting of faith-based, Civic, and private individuals within its community that reach  across lines of race, class and religion with a mission to create a more just, equal and equitable community through awareness, advocacy, education, and through under-girding and mobilizing action  groups, programs, and projects to bring about positive change within the Port Huron and St Clair County Region.

Our Mission

Our Purpose

SCCORE’s united purpose is through grassroots methods , to identify, and bring together concerned citizens consisting of clergy, business people, and individuals to bring awareness, advocacy, education, and action to issues that are often overlooked by the larger community but that can disparagingly impact the quality of life for all its citizens but especially those within its  impoverished communities.

We Need Your Support Today!

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